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네바다51-Earth (Feat. 황태익) [듣기/가사]

듣고싶은 음악/ Electronica

by blue line 2018. 3. 7. 16:14


일렉트로닉 팝밴드 네바다51, 2018 네바다51이 제시하는 빅픽쳐, 태양계 프로젝트 세번째 트랙 'Earth'가 발매됩니다. 자연과 문명, 그리고 지구의 진정한 의미를 되새기는 네바다 51의 지구를 향한 힐링송 Earth(얼스), 어쿠스틱 기타와 세련된 일렉사운드의 절묘한 조화가 매우 돋보입니다. 신곡 Earth라는 곡은 인류 개개인 또는 집단의 이익을 위한 명목하에 이루어지는 차별과 파괴에 대항하는 메세지를 담은 곡입니다. 황태익의 피쳐링으로 인해 더욱 진중한 메세지를 잘 풀어내었습니다. 네바다51의 Earth 들어볼게요 

네바다51-Earth (Feat. 황태익) [듣기/가사]

Just one green planet as I know
Just one beautiful sound
that echoes in universe
I know We're getting lost
And we feel that the green planet
is losing its light
Polar bear's tears
And anger of the pacific
Gaza City fireworks of death
in the night sky
Amazon's groan
And sad marches
of the rainbow flag
and naked goose
Are these really
the gifts of the sun
Look beyond imagination
into the wider universe
We're tiny
but we all have a bigger meaning
than the universe
Home of birds wind
mountain and ocean
Just one beautiful place
that breathe in universe
I know We're getting lost
And we feel life
on this planet would
not be possible
Polar bear's tears
And anger of the pacific
Gaza City fireworks of death
in the night sky
Amazon's groan
And sad marches
of the rainbow flag
and naked goose
Are these really the gifts
of the sun
Look beyond imagination
into the wider universe
We're tiny
but we all have a bigger meaning
than the universe
It's land of life
It's our ground
The only place
that nature lives on
It's land of life
It's our ground
The only place
that nature lives on
Dreams of all colors
Hope of all dreams
The base of all the dreams
and hope
That is our Earth
Dreams of all colors
Hope of all dreams
The base of all the dreams
and hope
That is our Earth
Dreams of all colors
Hope of all dreams
The base of all the dreams
and hope
That is our Earth
Dreams of all colors
Hope of all dreams
The base of all the dreams
and hope
That is our Earth
Look beyond imagination
into the wider universe
We're tiny
but we all have a bigger meaning
than the universe
It's land of life
It's our ground
The only place
that nature lives on
It's land of life
It's our ground
The only place
that nature lives on

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